Monday, April 12, 2021

Voices of the People

 Freedom of Expression 

A Foundation of Democracy

The Voice of the People must be preserved at all cost.

Freedom of Expression includes:

All Free Speech

All Demonstrations

All Protests

All Social Media

All Media

All Free Press 

This means that terms like

Enemy of the People and Fake News 

are anti-American and anti-Democracy

We need to wake up and preserve 

our democracy or we will lose it.

We must become anti-fascist in the true sense of the term if we value democracy. Limiting the free press along with all other voices of the people is the first step in a fascist society. We can see it happening around the world currently. Instead, fascism and anti-fascism is being weaponized for selfish political propaganda within democracy. This is very concerning.

We the People cannot have a Government of the People, for the People, by People while at the same time allowing people in power to think all voices must agree or we label it as fake. Quelching voices of the people should never be tolerated. It is a defining factor of what is anti-democracy.

"If we indulge the human propensity to understate, exaggerate, and alter facts for whatever comfort or false security a lie might accord us, we forfeit our capacity to see reality clearly, and see only a world of our own invention."
—Lin Jensen, "Right Lying"

Enemy of the People

This is a term that fascists and totalitarian dictators have used throughout the world and throughout history. At one time, no president would ever use such a term for any American, especially not those that are a pillar of democracy, the free press. Because this president thrives on fear, people won’t stand up against his fascism. He can’t stand those that disagree even though that is foundational to democracy.

Fear is the Enemy of the People

Fear is the Enemy of Freedom. 

The Enemy of the People is the lack of a Free Press.

Freedom of expression is guaranteed by the first amendment for a reason. The free press does not mean that all news agrees with me and when it does not, then it is fake news. This is a violation of the first amendment because its purpose is to silence the voices of the people. This is one of the things that provides checks and balances to power in government. We must guard ourselves against tyranny as a country. We are heading in that direction.

Speaking truth to power does not make anyone the enemy. 

Any true leader would not feel threatened by truth or the opinions of others, whether they agree or disagree. A true democratic leader would know this is the essence of democracy, its life-blood.

By limiting the voice of the people through the free press, dissent is suppressed, which is necessary for democracy in a free society. Dare I say that the terms enemy of the people and fake news used in these ways are nothing more than fascist name-calling due to those in power fearing those that disagree. Never in our history should this be allowed. It is a violation of our constitution. What is happening in America now is the dissent is being quashed while its validity is being nullified.

'Enemy of the people': Trump's phrase and its echoes of totalitarianism

The phrase the president has repeatedly said in his attacks on the media was used by dictators including Stalin and Mao

“Stalin originated the concept ‘enemy of the people’. This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man be proven,” Khrushchev said in his secret address to the Communist party’s inner circle.

“It made possible the use of the cruellest repression, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations."

"The phrase has old roots, even appearing in a Shakespeare play, but it became well known in the 20th century when it was adopted by dictators from Stalin to Mao, and Nazi propagandists, to justify their murderous purges of millions."

The Free Press is the Constitutionally protected Guardian of Democracy. To me there seems to be a different enemy in the house.

Freedom of the press — A pillar of every democracy

“Restricted press freedom is not just a problem in countries led by autocrats. That freedom is also under threat in ever more democracies, thus endangering their very core…”

“The right to freedom of expression is not a luxury good. Unlimited freedom of the press is not something democracies can do without, but rather something they must defend with all their power. Freedom of the press is one of the pillars of the democratic form of government, one that guarantees the greatest possible freedom to every individual and the greatest protection to minorities. It is only possible to uncover — and in the best case hinder — corruption and injustice when everyone has the right to freely express opinion, to critically question the goings-on of politics and business, to investigate unobstructed and to publish the results of one's research.”

Politicians like Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin know where journalism is most vulnerable: With its most valuable commodity, its credibility. When the US president attacks the media as "fake news," it is about much more than simply distracting from his own most recent lies. It is a long-term strategy designed to undermine the credibility of his most dangerous critics, and thus to weaken those who are in the process of uncovering his machinations and their roots.”

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